Bankruptcy and Liquidation


This legal publication is designed to assist lawyers in all matters relating to bankruptcy and liquidation law, including individual bankruptcy and winding up a company.

2 Matter Plans


This legal publication is designed to assist lawyers in all matters relating to bankruptcy and liquidation law, including individual bankruptcy and winding up a company.

This useful publication provides for those who do not practise regularly in this area of law but need to advise clients generally on the workings of insolvency law for individuals and companies.

Precedents provided with this publication include:

  • Initial letter to debtor client with explanation of bankruptcy;
  • Example content for an application for winding up;
  • Example content for affidavit in support of application for winding up;
  • Example content for an application to set aside a statutory demand;
  • Example content for an affidavit in support of setting aside a statutory demand.

The comprehensive Retainer Instructions ensures nothing is missed and the client is properly advised.

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  • Unlimited access across all devices
  • Practical and up-to-date
  • Comprehensive library of legal precedents and forms

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2 Matter Plans Included

  • Bylawyers
    ALERTS - Nil

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  • Bylawyers
    Full Commentary - Insolvency - Bankruptcy of Individuals

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  • Bylawyers
    “Insolvency means the inability to pay all debts as and when they fall due. A person who is insolvent may go bankrupt. A company which is insolvent may go into liquidation or, as is commonly said, be ‘wound up’. The test of insolvency is a cash flow test, although a balance sheet may be relevant.”

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  • Bylawyers
    Comments and suggestions for By Lawyers

    This excerpt is a preview of the full publication. You can Subscribe Now and gain immediate access to the complete publication.

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