Transport Accident Commission Claims


This guide assists practitioners to advise and represent clients injured in transport accidents with a right to claim through the Transport Accident Commission in Victoria.

1 Matter Plan


This guide assists practitioners to advise and represent clients injured in transport accidents with a right to claim through the Transport Accident Commission in Victoria.

The comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide includes over 75 precedents and assists practitioners to comply with the strict time limits, obtain proper instructions, gather necessary information, lodge the claim, and resolve it by settlement or commencing court proceedings.

Precedents provided with this publication include:

  • Various letters to client explaining the process at each stage;
  • Gathering information letters to client, employer, TAC, and relevant authorities;
  • Example statement of claim for common law damages.

The detailed Retainer Instructions ensures nothing is missed and the client is properly advised.

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  • Comprehensive library of legal precedents and forms

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1 Matter Plan Included

  • Bylawyers
    ALERTS - Nil

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  • Bylawyers
    Full Commentary - Transport Accident Commission Claims

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  • Bylawyers
    Overview and limitation periods
    “The Transport Accident Act 1986 established a scheme of compensation in respect to persons who are injured or die as a result of transport accidents. It is a no-fault scheme, with the exception of common law damages claims pursuant to s 93 of the Act. The Act is administered by a statutory ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Comments and suggestions for By Lawyers

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